Video routes
Modern technology for tourism, destination marketing and sporting events that promotes tourism, sports and leisure.
A tool developed for destination management, promotes the destination and its services, supports the sale of business services on or near the route. We help fulfill the main function of destination agencies.
We were the first to connect the video with the map, add an elevation profile of the route and involve entrepreneurs and their services in the route. All these elements are interconnected and allow you to easily view any selected section of the route and answer questions such as:
... What surface is in the forest section of the route?
... How steep is the hill? It looks demanding on the height profile
... The cycle route leads along the road, what is the traffic like on it?
... Where do you go for refreshments or a monument along the route?

Awards for the professional public
>> Expert jury award PRIX JURY on TOUR REGION FILM 2014 in Karlovy Vary
>> VISIONARY AWARDS 2014 for innovation Video route - a world-unique connection of video with a map for the purpose of planning trips and excursions and its social contribution to the area of promoting tourism and a healthy lifestyle
>> IEA 2014 - Internet Effectiveness Awards are awards given to the most effective internet solution on the Czech internet. Award for a unique video route project.
There are more than 400 video routes on Livetouring.com. The site is in nine language versions.

>> Bike routes
Important cycle paths in the Czech Republic:
> Bečva cycle path Vltava Bike Trail
> Labská Cyklostezka Hradec Kuks cycle path
EuroVelo 13, Iron Curtain Trail:
> Karlovy Vary Region Pilsen Region South Bohemian Region
Sölden Ski Resort Ski resort Stubai Ski resort Kvilda
>> Cross-country skiing trails
Šumava highway Zadov cross-country skiing area
Turn the route to get
Unique, practical and attractive content for your site, application, facebook, youtube - you will show tourists your city or region, important sights, practical information and services along the route (everyone likes to see what awaits them when planning their trip), athletes where to run / they will go to what and where to pay attention to where the snacks are.
Advertising space for your partners , who will help you finance the implementation of the video route and its promotion (sponsors of your races, services for tourists on routes in your region and more - you can charge for the location of points of interest on your route or just visibility of the place on the route). We will advise you and we can help with the route sponsor. We'll be happy to produce a video ad or advertising message for you or your partners and place a video ad.
Website traffic - there are active links for the route and points of interest that will bring tourists to your website or the sites of the route partners.
Free promotion of your route / race, services and partners worth + CZK 5,000 (part of the implementation).

How it works in practice
We will record the selected route or several routes of one location for you.
We will edit the video for easy playback on various devices, add a description of the route, points of interest on the route and connect everything in our unique web application of the video route. Translations into language versions will be provided by native speakers or professional translators.
The implementation of the video route includes:
>> route recording, or photos of selected POIs
>> post-production - video processing, editing, optimization for browsers and mobile devices, placement of video in the video route application, connection of the image with the map, elevation profile and POI
>> label placement, 7 points of interest, including active links
>> location on Turistika.cz, Livetouring.com and operation of the video route (hosting of the 5-20GB video route)
>> translation into selected 2 languages
HOSTING - Placing video routes on your website
To place a video route web application on your site, we'll send you a code which you can easily embed into your site. You can choose from several display options.
Views and colors we can customize it according to your site
Video route hosting - smooth displaying a video route on your site
Responsive design - optimized display for different devices

PROMOTION of your video route
We will display the route on the website Livetouring.com, Turistika.cz and set up other services free of charge, included in the price of the video tour or hosting.
With hosting for 1 year you get for free:
>> sharing a video route on FB Turistika.cz with up to 10,000 people
>> placement in a regular newsletter for 40,000 tourists
With 2-year hosting you get for free:
>> 2x video route sharing on FB Turistika.cz with up to 20,000 people
>> placement in a regular newsletter for 45,000 subscribers
>> 100,000 banner views with video path and link to your website

Price list for the implementation of video routes
Route up to 15 km, CZK 15,000
Route up to 30 km, CZK 25,000
Route up to 50 km, CZK 40,000
Route up to 100 km, CZK 80,000,
......... (every additional kilometer over a distance of 100 km = 800 CZK)
Translations into selected languages, from CZK 600 / language version
Placement of the Videotrasa application in your website (up to 50 km), CZK 2,400 / year
Golf course, 9 holes, 15,000 CZK / 18 holes, CZK 25,000
Ski resort, 3 slopes, 1 ski lift / cable car, CZK 15,000
Each additional piste, CZK 2,000
Each additional lift / cable car, CZK 1,000
Video route promotion and other services
Location of the next point of interest on the route, (hotel, restaurant, shop / rental, chateau, town)
Translation of the video route into the selected language, CZK 800
Banner for video route, 120x90px in the right corner of the video, Turistika.cz, Livetouring.com,
Pre-route video ad (up to 20s)
Motivation to visit your route (Inclusion in Tourism for Life)
Promotional videos from the route
Online marketing
route sharing on FB pages Turistika.cz and Livetouring.com
video advertising / banner advertising on Turistika.cz or anywhere else, targeting as needed
addressing people according to interest (cycling, skiing, running, etc.)
Realization of video routes - references